Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm having tea with Louisa Harding!

I'm having tea with Louisa Harding!

Pinch me. I must be dreaming!

I am so excited. I am going to meet my favorite British knitting designer, Louisa Harding this week!

My LYS Babetta's Yarn & Gifts is hosting a book signing with, the one and only, Louisa Harding on Wednesday 1/21/09 at 10:00AM. I telephoned Babetta to thank her for bringing Louisa to her shop. Babetta said that she thought of me right away since she knows how much I love Louisa!

Once I found out that Louisa is visiting Northern California from England, I emailed her company LouisaHarding to see if she was doing any other events in our area. I had an immediate response from Louisa herself! She wrote that she is doing a workshop at Green Planet Yarn. She said "I am a Brit, so I have no idea if this is close to you or not".

I immediately got on the Internet and found out that Green Planet Yarn is in Campbell near San Jose. It is 142 miles and about a 3 hour drive for me to get there but a lot closer than going to England. I always imagined I would need to travel to England to meet her!

For Louisa's visit, Green Planet Yarn is having a Juliet scarf class from Knitting Little Luxuries, a British style tea party, concluding with a trunk show on Thursday 1/22/09. I telephoned the store immediately and kept my fingers crossed that it wasn't already sold out. I am a lucky lady because they had room for me in all the events.

I am not sure which I am most excited about...the knitting workshop with Louisa or having tea with her? just might be the tea!

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