Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lucy Neatby Intarsia Workshop

Lucy Neatby Itarsia
Fringes, Folderols & Furbelows Workshop

I am a better knitter!

Last weekend I attended Lucy Neatby's Intarsia and Fringes, 
Folderols and Furbelows workshops. 
I truly am a better knitter now!

While I may not be ready to knit a gorgeous Kaffe Fassett sweater just yet ..
I am ready to knit Intarsia now, thanks to Lucy.

Lucy Neatby
Knitting Teacher Extraordinaire!

Lucy loves color and isn't afraid to show it. Even her hair is colorful... just like her Intarsia knitting! It is her colorful and relaxed "fun" spirit that makes learning from her such a delight!

Lucy is an incredible teacher. She breaks down everything in easy to understand terms. I have always adored knit garments with pretty rose and floral patterns. I never, ever dreamed that I would attempt this type of Intarsia knitting. Thanks to Lucy Neatby...I know I can do it now!

Lucy's Intarsia Work
Lucy describes colorful Intarsia knitting as:
 "patchwork knitting or even painting with yarn"!

Lisette's Intarsia Work

I learned so many great tips in Lucy's Intarsia workshop. I learned how to make butterfly bobbins for my different color yarns. I learned how important preparation and organization is for Intarsia knitting.

Lucy says "keeping stitches happy, keeps the knitter happy"! She told us that "yarns hold hands" and "let your yarns link with one another with Intarsia knitting". Probably her best advice was "don't overdose" your Intarsia knitting..."only do a couple rows a night".

Lucy's Intarsia Cardigan
"She designs to teach!"

Lucy's Intarsia cardigan is a gorgeous example of Intarsia. She has been designing her own patterns ever since she started knitting. She is a naturally gifted designer and teacher. She said that "I design to teach". Of course, she loves knitting but teaching seems dearest to her heart these days.

Backside of Intarsia

This is the inside or backside of Lucy's Intarsia cardigan. 
Wow...she really kept all those stitches happy. 
Her work is so nice and tidy! Something to strive for!

Lucy Neatby Workshop

Danielle at Knitique told me what a fabulous teacher Lucy is and how lucky I was to be taking her workshop. I do feel really lucky. Thank you to the Camellia City Stockinettes for bringing Lucy back for more workshops!

I also purchased Lucy's Knitter's Companion DVD's Intarsia Untangled 1 and 2. I know they will be great for a refresher course and it will be like having Lucy for a private workshop in my own home!

The best Intarsia knitting advice Lucy gave was: "be brave and keep on going"!

Thank you Lucy...I am a better knitter now!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Lucy was a wonderful instructor and inspiration. I'm so glad you went. ttys:-)
