Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wrap in Style!

Red Sweater Wrapping Paper

Looking for a creative way to wrap up your holiday knit gifts this season?

Well, look no further than Target. I found this adorable red sweater gift wrap the other night at Target in the holiday department. Isn't it the perfect Christmas wrap for hand-knit gifts?

The adorable gift tag is by Knitterella...another perfect touch for any hand-knit gift.

Once the word gets out amongst knitters, I bet this red sweater gift wrap will sell out quickly.

Will you be dashing out to buy some?


  1. Brilliant paper, but we don't have Target in Scotland. Does that mean I should knit myself some?

  2. Jenny...glad you found my blog!
    I would love to come to Scotland next year for the Ravelry UK Camp. Then I could bring you some wrapping paper!
    PS: DH and I were married in Duns Castle, in Duns!

  3. L

    I heard some gals talking last night about "your" wrapping paper. They were planning a Target purchase. - Your blog is quite influential...
