Monday, March 22, 2010

Poetry in Stitches

Poetry in Stitches

The long awaited reprint of Norway's Solveig Hisdal's Poetry in Stitches has arrived. If you're a knitter in love with Solveig Hisdal's stunning colorwork...this book is a must for your knitting library!

Fans of Poetry in Stitches are so grateful for this reprint. Last year I checked online and the original hard back edition was selling for around $400.00. The new soft back reprint is a steal at only $45.00!

A Colorful Cardigan

I discovered the beautiful work of Solveig Hisdal at the hip yarn store Knit Purl in Portland last year. Knit Purl carries pattern/yarn kits from Solveig and Oleana which is the Norwegian knitwear line that Solvieg is the designer for.

Solveig's inspiration for her designs in the book came from visiting Norwegian museums and studying textiles and costumes. She has translated textile history into art with her beautiful designs in Poetry in Stitches.

Scarf & Wristlets

I'm a huge fan of Solveig's floral and brocade designs. I am not sure if I will ever get up the courage to knit one of her colorful sweaters. I can tell you though, that I am happy just to look at the beautiful photos in her book. They are so inspiring!

Solveig was the photographer for her book and photographs the Oleana knit-wear line.

Last year I splurged and treated myself to an Oleana scarf and wristlets set mail-ordered from Knit Purl. Turns out First Lady Michelle Obama became an Oleana fan last year, too. She brought home four Oleana sweaters from her trip to Norway last year. I read her favorite Oleana color was green, too!

Oleana at Knit Purl

The reprint of Poetry in Stitches is already selling out. I highly recommend purchasing the book from a local yarn store verses a big online company. If you can't find the book locally...I think Knit Purl may have a few copies left!


  1. This is a beautiful book. I am very fortunate to own it in hardback. I saw it at Knit Purl and was able to find a pristine copy at a used book store for next to nothing a few years back.

  2. are a lucky lady to have snagged that book!

  3. I picked up a hard copyh of this book years ago. Didn't realize how valuable it is. I just finished knitting the cover pattern size-adjustedfor my 8 year old granddaughter. Turned out grand :-)
