Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Earth Day

You can make a difference!

It's Earth Day...
let's all do our part!


Hand Knit Cosy Cuff

Hand knit cosy cuffs are so much better for the environment than cardboard cuffs. 

They are a quick knit and wonderful to give with Starbucks gift cards! 


Vintage Embellishments

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers
 never threw a button away. 

It's in-vogue to save buttons and vintage treasures
to re-use and embellish your knits


"Green Crafting"

I love upcycling and green crafting. 

It's so fun to take something vintage or thrifted and upcycle it into a new project. 

Upcycling is hotter than ever (just check out Etsy) and
saving so many items from going into the landfill.

Be Sweet to Mother Earth

Save the Bees

Be kind to Mother Earth and plant Lavender in your garden.  Lavender shrubs attract bees which need our help to maintain our ecosystem.  

An added bonus...harvest it and make lavender sachets to ward off harmful insects
from your precious hand-knits.

Every little bit makes a difference. 
You can make a difference...
are you?

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