Thursday, March 15, 2012


 The Knitter

I haven't picked up the UK's The Knitter magazine 
for quite some time now.  

While at Barnes & Noble the other day, 
I certainly could not resist Issue 41
because it came with a free 
Louisa Harding pattern supplement!

by Louisa Harding

Included with The Knitter magazine 
is a glossy-color supplement for 
Louisa Harding's Elderflower pattern.  

It's a treat for sure, for Louisa Harding fans, like me,
 and includes the same beautiful photographs from her
  Absinthe pattern book, 
which the pattern is from.  

I haven't been able to find the Absinthe book
 at my local yarn stores 
so I am thrilled to have this supplement now 
for my Louisa Harding library.

The Elderflower pattern can be knit three ways:
as a collar, a cowl or capelet, 
depending on which Louisa Harding yarn and needle size you use.

I plan on knitting the cowl version in Louisa's Thistle yarn.
 I love Thistle and, just so happen,
 to have two colors in my stash, 
Holly and Aqua.


So now I need your help...
which color do you think I should knit my
 Elderflower cowl in?
Holly or Aqua?


  1. I'm terrible at selecting colors, but I love that mug.

  2. I am looking for that same pattern! I looked on Amazon but no luck. Where did you find that magazine? Thx.
