Sibling Hats
If you're 5 years old and have a new little baby brother...
I think you should have matching winter hats. And Woolly Wormhead's Quynn hat is the perfect hat pattern for siblings and wee folk. Quynn is by the talented hat designer who calls herself Woolly Wormhead. Woolly is British, so I love that she says her baby and childrens hats are for wee folk.
Lately I've been knitting a lot for wee folk. I really should be knitting Christmas gifts but I just can't help myself and have been knitting hats for little ones instead. I love knitting hats for babies and children. Off the needles this week are these adorable pixie-style winter hats for one of my husband's employee's wee folk.
Baby Quynn
Woolly Wormhead's adorable Quynn hat is designed in Noro's Kureyon yarn. I agree, Kureyon's color palette and striping is a winner for this hat pattern. I chose my Kureyon yarn in boyish colors of variegated browns and greys, color #149.
For the new baby (born just a month ago) I knit the 16" newborn/3 month size. I am a tight knitter so I cast on with size #9's and knit the hat in size #7's as the pattern recommends.
Big Brother Quynn
For the big brother hat, I knit the child size 20" diameter hat. To properly finish the hats, I soaked them in Soak liquid wash to soften up their Kureyon wool. It does the trick nicely. Then I pinned and blocked the hats on my knitting blocks. Lastly I fully air dried them on a sweater rack.
This was my first Woolly Wormhead hat project and I loved knitting this pattern. I not only love the design but love that you can knit this hat in so many different sizes for siblings. I've always loved matching wee folk hats...
because growing up, my little sister and I always had them!
Very nice hats, the yarn is beautiful. And neither person wearing one of the two hats can get jealous...