Saturday, January 3, 2015


Bloomsbury Gauntlets

2015 Knitting Resolution:

To finish up my unfinished projects like these beautiful Bloomsbury Gauntlets that I nearly finished way back in January 2010!

Even the designer herself, Kristin Nicholas, commented on my project in Ravelry back in January 2011.  Kristen commented:   

"Love these - keep going. Wait til you see how fun the embroidery is! 
And thanks for using my yarn!"

Kristin Nicholas

If that wasn't encouragement enough to get them finished.  I believe the reason these have been tucked away in a project bin for so long is that we just don't have really cold winter weather here in Northern California where I live.  

This month though as part of my knitting resolution,  I am going to dig the gloves out of hibernation and finish them.  Then I am going to ask my husband to take me to Lake Tahoe so I can wear my pretty Moksha wool scarf and my Bloomsbury Gauntlets that I made to go with it.  The weather should be cold enough up there!

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