Monday, October 22, 2012

Companies that Care!

 Himalayan Hiking Hats

My Louisa Harding Charity Event
all started with an idea I had and a big box of yarn.
I'm still pinching myself that my little idea has now raised over $1,600.00
for Macmillan Cancer Support.
 I have to say, this was all made possible thanks to
some very generous companies and people
that really, truly care.

I would like to take this time to thank the companies
that embraced my fund raising ideas to help raise money for
Louisa Harding's effort for Macmillan Cancer Support.

 Louisa Harding Yarn

First off, 
I owe a huge thank you to Louisa's American yarn distributor,

I took a chance and wrote them a letter about my fund raising idea.  To my surprise and delight, a week later, a huge box of Louisa Harding Thistle yarn arrived
and my idea of a fund raiser became a reality.  

"Thank you" Knitting Fever for your Thistle yarn donation 
which I turned into Himalayan Hiking Hat kits featuring
Louisa's Karuwa and Sardi hat patterns.

Thank you so much for being a company that cares! 

 Soak Sample

Once I was making up my Himalayan Hiking Hat Kits,
I wrote to Soak Wash to see if they could kindly donate a
  Soak Sample for each kit.

Soak is my personal favorite wool wash of choice and my
knitting teacher Danielle Bowen of Knitique, A Yarn Boutique
taught me to always soak my knits because the stitches will settle down and look so much nicer.  Years ago I was so afraid to soak my I can't wait to soak my projects and watch them come to life!

"Thank you" Soak Wash for generously donating a
Soak Sample for each of my Himalayan Hiking Hat kits!

 Interweave Books

I have just about every Louisa Harding book ever published
in my personal knitting library.

When I decided to have a fun Raffle Drawing at my event, I contacted Interweave Books to see if they would donate a book or two.  They did not hesitate and sent three
 Louisa Harding books that they have published:
Natural Knits for Babies and Moms,
Knitting Little Luxuries and Knitting in the Details.

The books were a big hit and the Raffle Prize Drawing alone
raised $168.00 at the event!

Danielle Bowen
Owner of Knitique, A Yarn Boutique

It was one thing to have an idea but another to find the right venue for my event to be a success.
I turned to my knitting teacher and friend Danielle Bowen, the owner of Knitique, A Yarn Boutique.  It seemed quite fitting to have the event at Knitique because the first Louisa Harding books I ever saw, led me to Knitique and Danielle for knitting lessons.  An added bonus is that Knitique is the cutest and "hippest" yarn boutique around.

Danielle also donated some fabulous prizes for the Raffle Drawing.  She is also graciously hosting my upcoming Silent Auction at Knitique while Louisa is on her
Nepal Hike from November 1-11, 2012
 to raise even more funds for Macmillan.

My "heart felt" thanks to all these wonderful companies that truly care.  Together with their help and donations,
we have all made a difference.

Please patronize these wonderful companies
and support them whenever you can!

Friday, October 19, 2012

We did it!

Louisa Harding Fund Raiser Event

My Louisa Harding Fund Raiser 
at Knitique, A Yarn Boutique on October 5, 2012 
was a smashing success!  

Drum roll please...
I am thrilled to report that the event raised just over 
1,000 Great British Pounds 
which is just over $1,600.00 US Dollars

It was a party!

Thanks to Danielle Bowen and her Knitique customers,
the hat kits sold-out and I exceeded my personal fund raising goal for Macmillan!  The Knitique ladies embraced the Himalayan Hiking Hat kits and Louisa's story. 

The evening was filled with fun, prizes, cupcakes and my heart-felt talk about Louisa Harding and her Himalayan Hiking Hat story.  Louisa wrote a personal letter for me to read that evening and I would like to share this excerpt:

"And to those of you attending this evening...
I would like to thank all you amazing knitters for supporting this event and helping me toward my fundraising goal with your very generous donations.

As most of you will know by now about my fundraising trip to Nepal and the reason behind it, but I just wanted to add that until cancer touches your family in a very immediate way you have no idea of the support network you need to help you.  When my husband Stephen was diagnosed with Lymphoma, Macmillan Cancer Support played a very important and vital educational role for me alongside the comfort that came from family and friends. 

A few months ago I was talking with my really lovely friend Debbie (Bliss), asking her if she would write a little piece in her magazine about my fundraising.  "Of course", she replied and added, "I think it is so important that knitters realize that we are real women with real life situations, juggling our family and working lives just as they do."  

And we are real women juggling just as you do, that is why I appreciate your support tonight."
Louisa Harding

I also shared my personal story, connecting my favorite designer Louisa Harding to Danielle (and Knitique) and how cancer has touched my immediate family as well.  The evening was so much more than just raising an incredible amount of money for Macmillan Cancer Support.  It was also about supporting and honoring the women in our lives who inspire us and make a difference in our lives. 

Raffle Prize Winners!

And, of course, there were prizes!
Thanks to the generous donations from Interweave Books and Knitique, A Yarn Boutique
we had a fun raffle prize drawing with fabulous prizes which alone raised $168.00!

Danielle & Lisette 

Louisa wrote a thank you to Danielle and I on Ravelry:

An amazing total Lisette and Danielle and the 
fantastique "Knitique Boutiquer's",
thank you all for being so supportive and generous.  
With love and thanks,

Dear Louisa,
It was our pleasure!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

All the way from England....

Louisa Harding Book Plates

Look what came in the post yesterday all the way from Yorkshire, England....
hand-signed book plates from Louisa Harding herself 
for my Louisa Harding Event tomorrow night

This is so like Louisa to do something this lovely 
adding an extra special touch to the event!

The book plates are wonderful for Louisa's American fans 
because Louisa doesn't make many public appearances 
or book signings here in the USA 
due to her busy design schedule and being a young "mum". 

Thanks to Interweave Books generous donation,
 I'll have three Louisa Harding books 
 for my Raffle Drawing which will now come with a Louisa Harding signed book plate, thanks to Louisa!
All proceeds will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Support 
on Louisa's Just Giving site. 

There are a limited number of Louisa's autographed book plates for her books at the event.  Knitique will offer mail order for Louisa's books they carry and include a signed book plate by Louisa until they run out. If you'd like to purchase one of Louisa's books with a pretty
 Louisa Harding signed book plate 
Please contact:  Knitique, A Yarn Boutique for mail order 
(916) 714-7719

 Knitique even has some of Louisa's early Miss Bea Collection books 
with her adorable childrens patterns!

Okay, that's some of the latest news...
more exciting things are happening but I have to run 
now and put some more hat kits together for tomorrow night!