Fit for a Queen!
Ta da...
here's my first "post surgery" project,
a knit and felted hat
that even Queen Elizabeth II
would look lovely wearing!
I haven't been so excited about knitting in such a long time...
this hat was so much fun to create and embellish!
The hat pattern is Vivian by Designer, Lisa Cruse.
Vivian is Lisa's signature hat and is named for her grandmother.
I have admired Lisa's felted hats for quite some time and am so excited that I finally made one.
I think Lisa's hats could very easily become addicting.
The possibilities of embellishing them are endless.
I had the chance to chat with Lisa by phone yesterday.
I found out that we both share a love for Victoria Magazine,
tea, cooking, travel, romantic style and pretty hats.
Lisa is really more of an artist than a knitter.
She has been artistic all her life and her love of color, fiber and creativity are evident in her designs.
I admire her ability to turn a felted design into a work of art. Her trademark style is magnificent embroidery, wool needle felting, applique and silk flower embellishing on her designs.
Her most recent design is her sweet Bertie Bonnet....
which looks like it stepped right out of a Jane Austen novel from
the Regency period. Lisa travels the world and does workshops on her embellishing techniques.
the Regency period. Lisa travels the world and does workshops on her embellishing techniques.
I would love to take a workshop from her someday!
My Vivian hat is a test knit for my lys Knitique.
Knitique is having a class called "Fit for a Queen"
where you can learn how to knit, felt and embellish your hat.
The hat class will celebrate Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee
with a tea party on the Jubilee Weekend where we will all wear our hats, of course!
Lisa's hat pattern is well written and an easy knit.
Most knitters can probably knit it in just a few days.
The magic begins for this hat once you felt it and then
embellish it. I've done a bit of felting before and am always
a bit nervous during the felting process, fearing that my project may shrink, too, much.
I kept a pretty close eye on my hat during felting.
After the hat is felted, it's time to block and shape.
Lisa has great tips and techniques
for felting and blocking on her website.
for felting and blocking on her website.
For the Vivian hat, she recommends blocking the hat
with a dessert plate "right side up"
with a dessert plate "right side up"
in the brim to make it flat.
I followed her advice and it worked like a charm!
I followed her advice and it worked like a charm!

Fit for a Queen!
I think the most fun of this entire hat making process is
embellishing the hat!
I've had interest in millinery and flower making so I chose to decorate my hat
with silk style "raggedy roses".
I was inspired by Lisa's Raggedy Ribbonry Roses kit
that you can purchase on her website to decorate hats.
I used "regal colors' and tartan trim,
"Fit for a Queen", of course!
Now, I can't wait to wear my hat
to the Diamond Jubilee Tea Party!
(In the photos: Adorable hand-made Union Jack bunting by Etsy seller Betty and Barlcay,
Emma Bridgewater Union Jack Tea Pot and vintage Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Mug.)
I love the hat! Was not able to take it at knitque, but so wanted to. Can you please tell me what yarn you used for the all blue color hat? I would very much appreciate it. Thank you, Mona @
Hi Mona,
My hat is knit in Cascade 220 color #9419.
Your hat is amazing!
I just came across your blog and am loving all the Jubilee stuff.
Greetings from your newest follower :)
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